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    Digitally Sign Your App

    Macify OS X apps can be digitally signed. You will have to do this on a Mac computer, and you will need to get a certificate from Apple.

    You will also need to join the Mac Developer Program (as of the time of this writing, that costs $99 US). The certificate you are provided will be good for five years.

    In the Mac Dev Center, create a certificate (the same certificate is used for all your Mac apps) and install it on your Mac. Then you can use it to code sign your Macify app in the terminal with the codesign command. The syntax of this command varies from version to version so you will need to look up how to do this on your system.

    What To Sign

    The Macify Runtime dynamically alters files in the Contents/Resources folder of the bundle during operation. Therefore, you should not sign the Contents/Resources folder. Feel free to sign the Info.plist file, Executable and the Frameworks folders, but if you sign the Resources folder your signature will break after the first execution of your app.

    A note about Bundle IDs

    Macify generates a unique bundle ID for your app, based on the value you type in the "Title" field.

    Your bundle will be com.macifyruntime.YourModifiedTitle

    For YourModifiedTitle, Macify will:
    1. Convert the title to lowercase
    2. Remove any characters that are not alphanumeric (spaces will also be removed)

    If the removal of characters in step 2 results in an empty string (for example if your app name was '???'), it will be replaced with the word "generic". It will be up to you to manually set your bundle ID in this case.

    You can also change your bundle ID manually at any time.